Monday, August 19, 2013

We Are All Marcus Garvey!!

We are All Marcus Garvey!

43.9 million

The number of blacks, either alone or in combination with one or more other races, on July 1, 2011, up 1.6 percent from the census on April 1, 2010.
Source:Population Estimates <>

77.4 million

The projected black population of the United States (including those of more than one race) for July 1, 2060. On that date, according to the projection, blacks would constitute 18.4 percent of the nation's total population. 
Source: Population projections <>

NYC August 2013
          Commonly referred to as Marcus Garvey’s month in NYC august is truly an exciting time.  Throughout the month events and programs are being organized and actualized.  These events illustrate the power of the Afrikan to be self sufficient and quite forceful in determining our reality.  As an interesting contrast to the poverty, ignorance and confusion our people are afflicted with, these events provide a ray of hope.  More than that, it provides another stone in which the future Pan Afrikan nation will be built. 
          Garvey was truly a man before his time.  His ideas were so radical they were sensible; so extreme they were reasonable.  His militaristic stance made the ruling class (I.e. white supremacists) and Afrikans in rehabilitation nervous yet hopeful.  The U.N.I.A was and is exactly what we need.  More specifically the ideology and infrastructure offered was and is the remedy for the Black nation.
          Imagine if we all embodied the same nationalistic, organizational spirit and will to take control of our individual and collective destiny, Brain power is not lacking. A concerted effort to analyze and reach a consensus about what our collective reality is the problem.   For centuries the world has had European minds at the forefront of development.  The results have been less than encouraging.  Rampant corruption, poverty, sickness and cataclysmic climate change are just a few of the issues we face now.  We must self affirm and self determine how we wish to run our existence or we will continue to be exploited by the savage ones. 
          So learn from Garvey family.  Instead of seeking to buy into the celebrity leader model, where the chance for success is a crap shoot at best, be practical.   By focusing on providing the goods and services needed to cope, compete and otherwise live in this world now and moving forward, you can be a star in your own right.  Money is there to be made.  In fact many trades such as carpentry, plumbing, computer engineering, and graphic design offer highly lucrative careers. “Based on its present configuration, the full configuration of an Afrikan American economic system requires that it undergoes a number of phases. The first phase is the establishment of a broad base retail and service outlets…” –Amos Wilson Truer words have never been said. 
          The more businesses we open amongst our selves combined with a fundamental change of our attitudes regarding our worth as human beings, the better off we will be.   We Afrikans have enormous gifts and a storied history; we need only develop and channel our power. 
          Garvey learned the power of media earlier. He then tried his hand at business achieving varied results.  Unfortunate infiltration by he savage ones derailed his projects, but not his ideas! So, study those ideas and engineer them.  Creation and control is the key to our future existence. 


Help build the People’s survival Program @

Guillermo Morales- Assata Shakur Center @ CCNY 
NAC - Building: Room 3-201 
W.138th Street
- Bet. Amsterdam & Convent Avenues
Info:   Bro Jamarr 718-802-8142

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