Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Sorry it’s just business!
“The best way to predict the future is
to create it”
-Divine Bradley
I wonder what
the complexion of the global scene would be if, in mass, those of Afrikan
origin would start to have conversations and strategy sessions about the state
of our economic reality. How quickly
would the condition of our collective existence change if we looked at how and
why we conduct the business of life the way we do? Personally I know not how
fast we could turn our situation around, but I do know a conversation that
would help immensely.
The fact is we
are at a major disadvantage when it comes to our material well being. Reason being, collectively we control
nothing. Worse than that, many who are
in a position of wealth and resource control think like our oppressors! That is
to say by their actions it is safe to conclude they are in alignment with the
capitalist demons who designed this system.
The weird part is we suffer not for lack of money. By 2015 it is estimated by Nielsen that our
buying power will be 1.1 trillion dollars.
So money by and large is not the problem. HOW and WHERE we use it is however. 
food, shelter, clothing, communication and transportation are the sciences we
should be investing in. For example let’s
take a look at the so called Jews. “in
the age of the great industrial expansion their role was outstanding in three
particular economic areas: in the textile and clothing field, in banking and
finance and in the development of a new kind of merchandising such as the
department store and mail order business”-Eric Hirshler writing on German
Jews. But how did they achieve this? It’s quite simply actually- CULTURE!
By making ownership
a part of their very fabric of life they have secured a lasting legacy for
future generations. If we were to combine that mindset with a template of
passage into adulthood we would actually make some headway. Consider this: “The Afrikan rites we develop
for our sons must instill/teach:
Respect of the Creator, nature and the
Afrikan nation
Respect for our elders
Respect for our women
Respect for male/female relationships
Self –Discipline (resilience and determination)
Self –Defense and defense of family
Fiscal responsibility
Sexual Morality
The role and responsibility of Fatherhood
The role and responsibility of Brotherhood
Our story
Critical thinking skills
Remember that
these requirements are designed for initiates in middle to high school (13-18). They should be modified for males in younger
and older age grade cohorts” –Asafo (Mwalim K Bomani pg. 128).
Now that sounds like a plan! By accepting the simple truth that we are in
a war for our very survival we can begin to set goals far beyond the notion of “equality”
It is clear from study and experience that economic science must be incorporated
in our struggle to a greater effect.
Whether it is simply starting a family business or the total revamping
of our behavior towards white supremacy, our economic skill level will
determine our fate.
Now that sounds like a plan! By accepting the simple truth that we are in
a war for our very survival we can begin to set goals far beyond the notion of “equality”
It is clear from study and experience that economic science must be incorporated
in our struggle to a greater effect.
Whether it is simply starting a family business or the total revamping
of our behavior towards white supremacy, our economic skill level will
determine our fate.
Waking up is hard to do. Waking up to the fact that to many you are not
even a human being; you are just data on a spreadsheet is rough stuff. Our cooperation in their design will
determine the size of the bonus these people receive. It is a very simple
equation. But must our survival be so
cold? Is it all about how much capital
we have? I say no!
Eco alludes to environment. Capital
in our situation represents our ability to purchase the items (raw materials, licenses,
etc.) needed to build and maintain our life as we wish. This is the ends justifying scenario. Regulation of the events in a given
environment occurs naturally. So it is a given that we too need regulation in our
environment, cultural checks and balances if you will. In the end we must have a stalwart economic
army against incursion by white supremacy. 
The nature of these beings will not allow for true diplomatic relations
in regards to sharing resources. “Knowing
that under every condition and every circumstance that the European is
visualize and pursue an absolute supremacy over all others renders making peace
in order to change the oppressor wishful thinking” (Asafo). Look deeply at world history, not just at our
story. European history is fraught with
war, fratricide and genocide.
is not to say the Afrikan has not had his fair share of internal conflict. But
by and large we are a much more historically peaceful people. Tolerance and unity is our trademark;
savagery and division is theirs. So
doesn’t it make sense to protect ourselves on the economic front as well? We should be buying and selling to other Afrikans
at a much higher rate. We should be
importing and exporting Afrikan products to each other. We should be teaching each other to invest in
mutual funds, stocks and bonds with the express intent to amass wealth to take
care of OUR infrastructure. Our companies should stay in our hands and cater to
our culture period. In closing we will do
well to remember the words of the great John Henry Clarke:
“Everything that touches your life
must be an instrument of your liberation or it must be discarded.” Ashe.
black power,
freedom debate under the sun The Void 385 Hip hop,
Trayvon martin
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Health, Resistance and Liberation
The breath of life is that vital force which sustains
us. Learning to manipulate the breath
while moving or being still can be a great boon to you. Exercises such as Tai chi, yoga qi gong and
kung fu can help you immensely. Free
flow of air throughout the body is of the utmost importance. In this world we have a tendency to breath
constricted. Almost as if we are
struggling for air. This is NOT how it
was meant to be.
Think back to when you were a child
and remember how free and natural the breath was to you. Instead of the lungs, the origin of the air
seemed to come from deep with. This is
what is known as the diaphragm or tan tien. Lungs must be free from impediments
in order to function In addition; blood must be oxygenated for the brain to
function properly. Combining static
breathing techniques with a fighting style will do wonders. But why?
Meditation will serve to calm the mind
and body as well increase awareness of world, both internal and external; while
the fighting style will give you confidence control and effective ability to
defend yourself. Self-defense as we know
it is the basis of liberation. As we are
attacked we defend. After we defend we attack to ensure no future attack
occurs. In order to attack we must be
fit in both mind and body. Culture is supposed to imbue our people with health
and wealth. But we must secure our
culture NOW, for the simple reason we are under attack. 
In my view the best way to secure our
culture is to acquire knowledge. We must
become knowledgeable about who we are, knowledgeable about our enemy is, about
his defenses and the methods he employs.
Information is power. With the
proper information we have the power to resist.
Resisting a culture of death is no
easy task family; the elements that will bring us back to life (mentally,
spiritually, and culturally) is however.
1) Eat right
2) Exercise
3) Get
proper sleep
4) Transform
pain to joy
The first three are pretty straight
forward. A little bit of research will put you on the correct path toward a
blissful life. So let’s address number
four for a moment. Oppression leads to
pain. Pain comes in any number of forms.
It could be the loss of a sibling or you yourself were victim of a
calamity. Perhaps racial or economic
bias has scared you in some way.
Whatever the situation, pain is not a game. But once you experience it life doesn’t come
to an end. One thing I have learned is
that life continues. Not in a straight
path but in a circle, cycles if you will. In reality it’s more of a spiral. You
can either go upwards or down but move you shall. The ability to transform pain caused by
situations will go a long way in determining how successful you and
subsequently we are in liberating ourselves from the fetters of white
And remember:
Afrika RBG,
kung fu,
prana. chi,
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Natural Law- Energy and Liberation
discourse of community is concerned with the integrity of social groups and the
general rights—socio-economic as well as political—of the individuals who make
up the group.” –Wilson Davis
What caused
the struggle for Black Liberation to be waged?
Why did so many feel the need to wage armed (guns and education)
struggle against the United States and her allies? 
These two questions should be on the forefront of every naysayers and puppet of this regime. Furthermore ALL who have been affected by imperialism and oppression should analyze this period of world history. Reason being it forces people to properly study and breakdown the humans behind struggle and humans behind oppression. If after a proper analysis a person can still honestly find reason for continued oppression, then there is nothing more to discuss.
These two questions should be on the forefront of every naysayers and puppet of this regime. Furthermore ALL who have been affected by imperialism and oppression should analyze this period of world history. Reason being it forces people to properly study and breakdown the humans behind struggle and humans behind oppression. If after a proper analysis a person can still honestly find reason for continued oppression, then there is nothing more to discuss.
We as humans
must understand the world is being coordinated; coordinated by forces, men
and women of both small and large minds.
This contradictory
truth breeds opposition. So long as the
dominant system or culture is division, hoarding, corruption, oppression and
rebellion will be the result. Case in
point: the Assata Shakur -Guillermo Morales center located at City College has
been illegally raided and taken over recently by the governing body of the
regardless of any discomfort at the names adorning the center, the work being
done should have labeled that room untouchable.
From food share programs, medical classes, survival training, and political
prisoner workshops the center stands for a lifestyle counter to the current
imperialistic regime. In the end this is an act of warfare. War is not simply limited to guns and bombs.
War includes communication, information, education, and business. 
For example
by seizing merchandise located within the center, the fascist, totalitarian
like regime of the college sought to destroy the economic pipeline from the
students and the community. It is well
known theft is a tactic of war and this seizure is no different. One has to ask why the secrecy? Why did they strike during the weekend? Why
weren’t the students notified? Remember deception and secrecy is a tactic of
war. This must be properly understood.
The goal is
to create a situation in which the masses of the people are not aware of the
true goals of the 1%. By disguising a takeover with innocuous language like” A
room in the North Academic center(NAC) has been relocated for the expansion…”
and “the move took place during the weekend so that it would be less disruptive
to the collage” are prime examples of this.
Be not fooled by the slippery lounges of serpents.
“Every economic decision and
institutions must be judged in whether it protects or undermines the dignity of
the human person.” -American Bishop
For more info contact:
Brother Jamarr-
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Logic vs. Feeling
That awkward moment when you realize you have racked your
brain for the umpteenth time, breaking down the same problem over and over with
no results is something any student, teacher or person with a semi active
social life has been through. As the
variables pile up, and the different levels of complex thought set in often the
mind, nah the heart steps in and says: “Stop it B!” As a consequence, feeling rears her
mysterious and persistent head.
Sometimes it’s as though the two just can’t and won’t coexist. I believe the terms “irresistible force and
unmovable object” come to mind.
without sound reasoning abilities how we operate in the world would be like
George W. Bush on steroids, just doing whatever to whomever we want. No
Buena. With no way to sit down and
analyze, every situation becomes a never ending flood of emotion and
confusion. You wouldn't even begin to
understand why you bawling your eyes out on a Friday night eating comfort food
yet again. In fact without logic you
would even care to figure a way out. The moment would be reality instead the
Now and Soon.
In conclusion the sword cuts both ways. Without an equal understanding and expression of each life gets thrown off balance. Overabundance of emotion leads to an ungrounded reality, likewise too much logic can lead to apathy and cynicism. However…to find balance amidst the extremes then the sweetness of peace is sure to follow.
black power,
Hip hop,
miley cyrus,
under the sun,
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Fighting the white man's war
Disclaimer: The word
White when used in this piece is a symbol of certain characteristics manifested
in concrete political actions. It is NOT
solely skin color or race. It is mental
Tao Te
the White, but stay to the Black”
We are in
the midst of the cold war reborn. This newest age of warfare and savagery has
the making of an era thought long gone.
Superpowers fight for influence in regions all across the globe, without
directly engaging one another. This is
done by typically backing “insurgents”. Those insurgents or freedom fighters
are really distant pawns, but kings in their own sector of earth, vying for a
position to push their own agenda.
Throughout the latest spat of conflicts, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Snowden
and Manning, etc…old themes are apparent.
In Libya a
long standing leader seeks to pave the way for a new era. Overthrown, then assassinated the country
dips into chaos, destabilizing the region further. Please note that the plan Gadhafi was seeking
to complete would have been a major step forward in dismantling the USA’s and
her allies grip in the region.

it all superpowers carve up the world simply because they can. The USA arms and funds this group; Russia leads support to another. China follows the West and plunders
Africa. Chemical weapons used most
likely by a government on the ropes, eerily similar to Iraq in the 90’s. Again
and again the same cycle repeats.
Meanwhile most people just wish peace.
However depending on which propaganda you subscribe to, which worldview
you endorse peace consists of US triumphing over THEM.
So where
does this stem from? Simple answer White
mentality. Common attributes: division,
and a mentality of scarcity and of course the kicker---manifest destiny. See we must understand that ones who are in
control of the world’s infrastructure are a sick sort. They descend from a people who lived in very
harsh environments where resources were scarce and savage, selfish behavior was
the key to survival. Power, as we know
corrupts and those who wield it are more likely to commit horrid acts to hold
on to it. Now imagine a people that were
the last in everything. No culture, no science, no power, no nothing. Then suddenly they are taught knowledge and
acquire technology. Maddens ensues. Flash forward many generations to where a
reality exists in which the descendants of those first White people have
grabbed power. Instead of a highly
spiritual and technological world we live in a world of undue stress, war and
intolerance. So to my brothers and
sisters I ask why we are fighting the White man’s war.
White, as we
know is a state of mind prone to moments of insanity. Who are we fighting for if not for the future
of our children? Why are we so
intolerant of each other’s cultures? Why
are so many of our youth so willing to pull the trigger to further the
political aspirations of an obviously insane group of people?
We have to wise up. In the end if we do not deal with the
psychological game being pulled on ALL of us, well if you this century state of
affairs are bad, and just wait until the 22nd century. Just remember this: While the ones of the
Black mind were concerned primarily with improving relations between all things
on Earth, the White mind saw this and understood not. Then they took the
teachings of his brother and slew him.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Unseen Revolution
For those familiar with the concepts of liberation, freedom,
war, poverty, sorrow and elevation, the notion of reclaiming the family
structure has a familiar ring. A
seemingly over abundant number of talking points crowd our collective
psyche. But without concrete, take the
bull by the horns, step by step action, it remains just that—talk.
bottom line is this, like anything, our family issues are a complex mixture of
individual experiences and collective vision.
There are black, beautiful couples producing wonderful works and
magnificent children to be reared in lovely homes. There are also black beautiful couples
producing NOT so wonderful works.
“Raising” children, that without the intervention of the righteous force, become yet another reminder of how far we have to go collectively. This is the family structure most talked
about; saving existing children and repairing existing families.
there is an unseen issue. The millions
of men and women seeking to pair with another great mind committed to
liberation and having brilliant children.
As a single solider I’ll admit I’m in a somewhat biased position. Often I am left wondering how is it possible
to endeavor to be the best man I can be, a template to be improved upon for my
brothers, yet not (apparently) coveted by my sisters. Go figure. During these times of questioning,
of doubt, it is easy to fall victim to yet another by-product of our social
conditioning. Hatred of our sisters, and
But why does this persist? What
exactly is plaguing the psyche of so many brothers and sisters that results in
so many unable to find good partners in the very places where prospects should
be abundant? Hurt caused by expectations not met seems to be a likely
answer. Also, disconnection between man
and women results in a lack of respect shown by word and deed. Part of the solution can be found by
implementing a rites of passage system.
When it comes to meshing logic and nature our people need to do
better. For instance there should be no
reason why the “ratchet and ghetto” members of our family should be in
relationships, and having babies while the so called “conscious” are
Let’s be honest, many of our family
is so emotionally traumatized from past experiences before they join the
movement that they simply shut down the portion of self that craves
unification, instead choosing to
dedicate themselves to other parts of the struggle. That is understandable and
often needed. However, when the time
comes to step back into the realm of family building, emotional baggage left
unresolved becomes like a cancer to the Afrikan mind, causing strife between
man and women.
We must break down that
wall in order to progress. There are way
too many knowledgeable, driven brothers and sisters out here not having babies,
not starting families. In war, if able,
it is generally a good policy to open multiple fronts in which the enemy must
defend. Let’s open up this front
family. To be clear when I say we must
save the babies, I speak those currently in the world and those present in our
sperm and eggs. The future is fluid so
the better we do NOW; the better life WILL be for the future babies. So stop
fronting, be men and women and unite the collective struggle. Remember a house divided against itself
cannot stand.
Taking from an ancient Egyptian
concept of unification, we must reunite the two houses of humanity; the Kingdom
and Queendom. Looking at the trend
brought about by mass incarceration, which is a tactic in an overall strategy
to thin the black male from society, division has grown in our household. The
war on drugs, lack of employment( no viable trade programs in inner city
schools) have resulted in young black man being killed, unfairly targeted or locked up at an astonishing rate(
women are being incarcerated at an ever
increasing rate as well). Combined with
an astounding number of programs geared specifically toward women, designed to
economically and socially empower them, an educational/financial gap has
occurred between the black man and woman.
To be clear this is not a pity
party. Black men, self-included, need to step up and become powerful figures in
our community again. However the black
woman needs to educate herself on the plight of her brother, her partner. By doing so, perhaps they can begin (on a
massive scale) to select better men. As
we men learn ourselves again and start to exhibit those qualities of a good
partner we too can select better partners, not to mention treat our partners
better. Want to be less likely to
become divorced or abused? Then don’t
look down on the brother with a job but rides the bus. You know not his plans. If you wish to be taken care of, while still
being pushed to be the best woman you are?
Perhaps the brother who acts 19 yet is pushing 30 is not for you (or
maybe that works depending on the level of focus).
In short a new evaluation system is
order. There is a well-known truth in
war. “Everything is fluid”. Meaning as the times change we must
adapt. The old rules don’t completely
apply. Women are as whole, in a position
to be the financial backbone of the family. Embrace it. At the same time we as men need to articulate
and expand our vision for our people. As
our women make headway in this European world, we as men should use this time
to reflect and perfect our strategy. A
key function of manhood is the ability to shape reality, by dictating and
adapting to events.
As Afrikan men what is our
collective vision?

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