Sunday, November 3, 2013

Natural Law- Energy and Liberation

        “The discourse of community is concerned with the integrity of social groups and the general rights—socio-economic as well as political—of the individuals who make up the group.” –Wilson Davis

        What caused the struggle for Black Liberation to be waged?  Why did so many feel the need to wage armed (guns and education) struggle against the United States and her allies? 
These two questions should be on the forefront of every naysayers and puppet of this regime.  Furthermore ALL who have been affected by imperialism and oppression should analyze this period of world history.  Reason being it forces people to properly study and breakdown the humans behind struggle and humans behind oppression.  If after a proper analysis a person can still honestly find reason for continued oppression, then there is nothing more to discuss.
        We as humans must understand the world is being coordinated; coordinated by forces, men and women of both small and large minds.  This contradictory truth breeds opposition.  So long as the dominant system or culture is division, hoarding, corruption, oppression and rebellion will be the result.  Case in point: the Assata Shakur -Guillermo Morales center located at City College has been illegally raided and taken over recently by the governing body of the institution. 
        Now regardless of any discomfort at the names adorning the center, the work being done should have labeled that room untouchable.  From food share programs, medical classes, survival training, and political prisoner workshops the center stands for a lifestyle counter to the current imperialistic regime. In the end this is an act of warfare.  War is not simply limited to guns and bombs. War includes communication, information, education, and business. 
        For example by seizing merchandise located within the center, the fascist, totalitarian like regime of the college sought to destroy the economic pipeline from the students and the community.  It is well known theft is a tactic of war and this seizure is no different.  One has to ask why the secrecy?  Why did they strike during the weekend? Why weren’t the students notified? Remember deception and secrecy is a tactic of war.  This must be properly understood.
        The goal is to create a situation in which the masses of the people are not aware of the true goals of the 1%. By disguising a takeover with innocuous language like” A room in the North Academic center(NAC) has been relocated for the expansion…” and “the move took place during the weekend so that it would be less disruptive to the collage” are prime examples of this.  Be not fooled by the slippery lounges of serpents.

“Every economic decision and institutions must be judged in whether it protects or undermines the dignity of the human person.”  -American Bishop Pastoral

For more info contact:
Brother Jamarr-
Tel: 718-802-8142


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