Tuesday, July 30, 2013

No Disrespect

Is just being there enough?
When the contradictions of reality confront us on the daily
Bentleys, 1000$ bottles, fiat bills tossed carelessly
Strip club filled with smoke and sex
Outside yellow tape, blood soaked concrete
Justified shootings when done by police
Senseless crime any other time, done by young black men who share similar eyes to mine
No activity, but lip service
Millions in the bank, yet no schools run by whom?
The ones who made it, captured the so called American dream
See I take issue with those who think we should be star struck, by sales on iTunes
While another sisters womb is desecrated
By he who spouts lyrics produced by whom?
Charity is more than presence
It is love perfected, social justice meted out
By care and compassion
Honoring the ones who stepped here
Carved paths out the rocky hearts
With tools of sweat, blood bones and tears


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Trayvon martin to _________

                          Murdered. Shot dead. Slain. Youth’s life cut too short.
Across the USA and the world, headlines like this plaster newspapers, videos and social media posts.  Genuine outrage, shock, and yes relief at the verdict displayed by our brothers and sisters of ALL races now have the potential to spark an actual change in this global society.  But it won’t happen. No, not while race issues, cultural issues and the legacy of white supremacy is not on the forefront of everyday peoples minds. Analysis and implementation of solutions on a massive grassroots level require a culture of courage.  Something we have yet to see in this current generation.
          So don hoodies overlaid with pictures of deceased or imprisoned beings.  March and yell till our throats go hoarse struggling with the pain of societal decay. Then—what?  Afterwards do we return to our cramped, economically occupied, paramilitary patrolled pissed filled ‘hoods? Do we return back to inadequate living wages subject to random searches or worst case scenario death or do we as a people stand and face the enemy?  The enemy being, white supremacists strangle hold on truly free speech.
          See language is the expression of thought and emotion. Language is the precursor to culture and culture is the mother of revolution.  This politically sanitized world where to dare to speak truth in a coarse bare bones manner is frowned upon is the antitheses of a culture of courage.  To suggest that this is in fact not a post racial world is discouraged, not so much in words but in lack of action and conviction.   Programs designed to educate our youth on the reality of this society is what’s needed. A society where the court system historically and presently give a tangible place to actualize the system of white supremacy versus every other group of people is where we are.  To think differently is dangerous…but that is your right.
          Back to Trayvon for a moment.  An innocent life is gone; innocent in the sense that his only true crime was being born with a skin tone that radiates danger...for someone who will never understand what it means to be black and young in America.  More blood shed in a land founded on death and deception.  So when is enough enough.  When do the descendants of imprisoned Africans speak on the cultural war being waged against us on our own terms? And when do Whites just listen and move out the way? Integration vs. infiltration vs. invasion is what I speak of.  We have been effectively assimilated and hypnotized by the American system of greed and imperialism.  Which in case you don’t know perpetuates a power structure of dominance (white) and subservience (insert your race here).
          Stand and fight. Fight with words and deed.  Fight with thought.  Think on who controls the food, transportation, communication, entertainment, courts, police, industrial, and military systems.  More importantly think how that will contribute to the next Trayvon Martin, because it might just be you.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

MelodicCrystalization: Sex, Politics and warfare

         “No action is unmotivated”
             -Political communication (Dan F. Hahn)

    Sex, sexuality, civilization and conflict have walked hand in hand since man became the rational animals we are today. Described as a mystic union by some, a sacred act by others and something unclean by many, sex has always been a driving force of humanity.  Before artificial methods and adoption became chic, we got down and produced children the old fashioned way. In fact entire cults (really spiritual ways of life) are dedicated to the cultivation of this natural force.  As celebrated as sex is, it is also a source of great confusion and pain. But why?
    Power, specifically political power, is a goal of various groups of people or governments.  Power is not gender specific.  Systems designed and acted out by man consolidate power. Patriarchy, matriarchy, Shaira law, etc are simply systems of political expression or repression depending on who is on top.  In the end politics is a human thing. As such, sexuality is a means of political expression, and on a more personal scale cultural transmission.

    In truth you can learn so much by observing how people of a specific culture view sexuality. For instance sexuality in a predominantly Christian country is strikingly different than in an Islamic country.  Indeed as a culture transforms, sexuality is often a catalyst or a by product of that generations’ differing view and movement.  So much of our views on sex and war come from our culture. To each man or woman there is a personal outlook on war and sex. However, when examined deeply enough components of each persons view are found to be shared throughout the culture he or she belongs to.  This is expressed in a variety of ways.  For example many Muslim women wear the hijab to conform to Islamic law as decreed in the Quran. In addition to following their law, the hijab adds a sense of modesty and empowerment to female Muslims.
    By deciding to wear or not wear the hijab, a woman effectively takes control of her sexuality at the individual level, while at the same time maintaining her position in the overall culture of Islam. Of course this is only half the story, well in all actuality 33%.  The other 66% is the male view of women in Islam and the rest of the world’s view of the interaction of both man and woman.
IIn regards to power, religion historically has used morality to control the minds of the people thereby coalescing political power in their hands. Often sex and sexuality come under attack as religious leaders seek power.  Case in point: “As a result of original sin, human nature is weakened in its powers; subject to ignorance, suffering, and the domination of death; and inclined to sin. We therefore hold, with the Council of Trent, that original sin is transmitted with human nature ‘by propagation’.” That is taken verbatim form the Catechism of the Catholic Church, arguably the biggest religion in the world.  “To propagate means for a man and woman to engage in coitus, which then results in the woman becoming pregnant” (Clayton Sullivan). Shape peoples morals and it becomes easy to shape them to your will.

    Taking from Nietzsche: “In contrast to laisser-aller, every system of moral is sorts of tyranny against “nature” and also against “reason”, that is, however, no objection, unless one should again decree by some system of morals, that all tyranny and unreasonableness are unlawful. What is essential and invaluable in every system of morals, is that it is a long constraint.” This to me, speaks to a systematized restraint against the lower nature/behavior, resulting in culture and tradition; social law so to speak.  Eventually as families form tribes, leading up to forming a nation the morals become codified or the literal law of the land.However the emotion of morality is the question.  In terms of politics and sexuality what are the emotions stirred up that leads to the repression or on the opposite spectrum liberation of the people?  
    One can argue that in order to plan the oppression of people using sexuality as a means to power certain callousness must be inherent within the character of that person or persons implementing the scheme.  With callousness a sense of entitlement follows.  After all if “we” don’t rule, chaos is sure to follow, right? Indeed we can see evidence of this when we look at Christianities’ view on sex and sexuality throughout the ages.
    “What does such assertion indicate about him who makes it?” (Nietzsche) More to the point what does the process used reach these conclusions say about the character of him who says it? For example the feminist movement started in the 19th century was to some extent deeply polarizing in American mainstream culture. Societal constraints placed on white women by the white male patriarchal social conduct was challenged by there opposite-white women. The consolidation of power in the hands of white men harkens back to and possibly beyond the puritanical age.  So to speak on character, let us look at a reasoning process. 
    Taking from Chinese Taoist masters the 8 point system known as Pa-kua can shed some light.

Chou, suan, ce, qi zhing, jie, ganchi, sheng, bai
In order:
1)      To measure
  -form and energy
2) To calculate
3) To plan
4) To scheme
5) Direct and indirect
6) Timing and Space
7) To penetrate
8) Victory and Defeat

    Understand that in order to effectively put into place policies that effect people’s lives, those in a position to make those decisions must undergo a reasoning process. There are many ways to go about it but the result is the same: factors are considered and a decision is reached to enact those policies that serve someone’s best interest, often at the cost of another. 
    So let’s look at what some have dubbed the war on woman in hip hop. First we have record executives in charge of finding talent.  They measure the energy of the times.  Where are the current trends heading? Who is the audience who will buy so we can become rich?  Now keeping in mind that these same record executives are in the same circles as the media moguls, (i.e. the ones who own the television and radio stations) as well as governmental figures, a certain type of image is required to sell, so they manufacture it.  Now in order to be sure that a steady supply of talent is available, a certain environment is needed.  This is where cold calculation comes into play.
    For instance in order to perpetuate a culture of misogamy and sexism that translates into dollars a few things is needed. Please note there are always exceptions and differing circumstances to be considered. But generally speaking there are a few constants.

     One: an environment devoid of a positive, structured home front.  The man must either absent or unable to provide a safe, successful home.
     Two: The mother must be the end all be all, while at the same time be an enabler of ignorant behavior.  Often her own psyche is damaged by the images and actions of her community resulting in a certain culture.  Usually alcoholism, drugs, rape and violence in general are some side effects. 
    Now, as music stems from life, if the daily activities and the ideal life involves sexual promiscuity, drug abuse, self hate (gun culture), then it follows that the music will address those things.  Indeed depending on the momentum of the people the music will either fight against these behaviors or embrace them.  Seeing this and having a vested interest in keeping the talent subservient to executives and the public unthinking record companies push this by rewarding rappers liquor deals and marketing a certain vision/image in the videos made.  As children grow up listening and viewing this type culture they will seek to act out the images portrayed in the sonic and concrete environments they grow in.
    Of course in terms of sexuality, politics and warfare in hip hop the prime target is the minds of black youth. For it is the mind that spurs the hand to spend dollars in pursuit of a lifestyle portrayed in slickly contrived ways to our children.  Over sexualization of women, hyper masculinity  and the feminization of the males are simply direct and indirect forces used for the goal of draining our dollars.
    So what is the future regarding sexuality and politics?  As long as the character of the people “in charge” and everyday people remain the same, domination and warfare will continue to occur.  Morality is the weapon of tyrants indeed! For as long as the impulse to conquer each other exists there will someone or some people that will use morals as an excuse to war; instead of an opportunity to build bridges.

Sex, Politics and warfare

         “No action is unmotivated”
             -Political communication (Dan F. Hahn)

    Sex, sexuality, civilization and conflict have walked hand in hand since man became the rational animals we are today. Described as a mystic union by some, a sacred act by others and something unclean by many, sex has always been a driving force of humanity.  Before artificial methods and adoption became chic, we got down and produced children the old fashioned way. In fact entire cults (really spiritual ways of life) are dedicated to the cultivation of this natural force.  As celebrated as sex is, it is also a source of great confusion and pain. But why?
    Power, specifically political power, is a goal of various groups of people or governments.  Power is not gender specific.  Systems designed and acted out by man consolidate power. Patriarchy, matriarchy, Shaira law, etc are simply systems of political expression or repression depending on who is on top.  In the end politics is a human thing. As such, sexuality is a means of political expression, and on a more personal scale cultural transmission.

    In truth you can learn so much by observing how people of a specific culture view sexuality. For instance sexuality in a predominantly Christian country is strikingly different than in an Islamic country.  Indeed as a culture transforms, sexuality is often a catalyst or a by product of that generations’ differing view and movement.  So much of our views on sex and war come from our culture. To each man or woman there is a personal outlook on war and sex. However, when examined deeply enough components of each persons view are found to be shared throughout the culture he or she belongs to.  This is expressed in a variety of ways.  For example many Muslim women wear the hijab to conform to Islamic law as decreed in the Quran. In addition to following their law, the hijab adds a sense of modesty and empowerment to female Muslims.
    By deciding to wear or not wear the hijab, a woman effectively takes control of her sexuality at the individual level, while at the same time maintaining her position in the overall culture of Islam. Of course this is only half the story, well in all actuality 33%.  The other 66% is the male view of women in Islam and the rest of the world’s view of the interaction of both man and woman.
In regards to power, religion historically has used morality to control the minds of the people thereby coalescing political power in their hands. Often sex and sexuality come under attack as religious leaders seek power.  Case in point: “As a result of original sin, human nature is weakened in its powers; subject to ignorance, suffering, and the domination of death; and inclined to sin. We therefore hold, with the Council of Trent, that original sin is transmitted with human nature ‘by propagation’.” That is taken verbatim form the Catechism of the Catholic Church, arguably the biggest religion in the world.  “To propagate means for a man and woman to engage in coitus, which then results in the woman becoming pregnant” (Clayton Sullivan). Shape peoples morals and it becomes easy to shape them to your will.

    Taking from Nietzsche: “In contrast to laisser-aller, every system of moral is sorts of tyranny against “nature” and also against “reason”, that is, however, no objection, unless one should again decree by some system of morals, that all tyranny and unreasonableness are unlawful. What is essential and invaluable in every system of morals, is that it is a long constraint.” This to me, speaks to a systematized restraint against the lower nature/behavior, resulting culture and tradition; social law so to speak.  Eventually as form families and families form tribes, leading up to forming a nation the morals become codified or the literal law of the land.  However the emotion of morality is the question.  In terms of politics and sexuality what are the emotions stirred up that leads to the repression or on the opposite spectrum liberation of the people?  
    One can argue that in order to plan the oppression of people using sexuality as a means to power certain callousness must be inherent within the character of that person or persons implementing the scheme.  With callousness a sense of entitlement follows.  After all if “we” don’t rule, chaos is sure to follow, right? Indeed we can see evidence of this when we look at Christianities’ view on sex and sexuality throughout the ages.
    “What does such assertion indicate about him who makes it?” (Nietzsche) More to the point what does the process used reach these conclusions say about the character of him who says it? For example the feminist movement started in the 19th century was to some extent deeply polarizing in American mainstream culture. Societal constraints placed on white women by the white male patriarchal social conduct was challenged by there opposite-white women. The consolidation of power in the hands of white men harkens back to and possibly beyond the puritanical age.  So to speak on character, let us look at a reasoning process. 
    Taking from Chinese Taoist masters the 8 point system known as Pa-kua can shed some light.

Chou, suan, ce, qi zhing, jie, ganchi, sheng, bai
In order:
1)      To measure
  -form and energy
2) To calculate
3) To plan
4) To scheme
5) Direct and indirect
6) Timing and Space
7) To penetrate
8) Victory and Defeat

    Understand that in order to effectively put into place policies that effect people’s lives, those in a position to make those decisions must undergo a reasoning process. There are many to go about it but the result is the same: factors are considered and a decision is reached to enact policy that serves someone’s best interest, often at the cost of another. 

    So let’s look at what some have dubbed the war on woman in hip hop. First we have record executives in charge of finding talent.  They measure the energy of the times.  Where are the current trends heading? Who is the audience who will buy so we can become rich?  Now keeping in mind that these same record executives are in the same circles as the media moguls, (i.e. the ones who own the television and radio stations) as well as governmental figures, a certain type of image is required to sell, so they manufacture it.  Now in order to be sure that a steady supply of talent is available, a certain environment is needed.  This is where cold calculation comes into play.
    For instance in order to perpetuate a culture of misogamy and sexism that translates into dollars a few things is needed. Please note there are always exceptions and differing circumstances to be considered. But generally speaking there are a few constants.

     One: an environment devoid of a positive, structured home front.  The man must either absent or unable to provide a safe, successful home.
     Two: The mother must be the end all be all, while at the same time be an enabler of ignorant behavior.  Often her own psyche is damaged by the images and actions of her community resulting in a certain culture.  Usually alcoholism, drugs, rape and violence in general are some side effects. 
    Now, as music stems from life, if the daily activities and the ideal life involves sexual promiscuity, drug abuse, self hate (gun culture), then it follows that the music will address those things.  Indeed depending on the momentum of the people the music will either fight against these behaviors or embrace them.  Seeing this and having a vested interest in keeping the talent subservient to executives and the public unthinking record companies push this by rewarding rappers liquor deals and marketing a certain vision/image in the videos made.  As children grow up listening and viewing this type culture the behavior that is manufactured will seek to act out the images portrayed in the sonic and concrete environments they grow in.
    Of course in terms of sexuality, politics and warfare in hip hop the prime target is the minds of black youth. For it is the mind that spurs the hand to spend dollars in pursuit of a lifestyle portrayed in slickly contrived ways to our children.  Over sexualization of women, hyper and the feminization of the males are simply direct and indirect forces used for the goal of draining our dollars.
So what is the future regarding sexuality and politics?  As long as the character of the people “in charge” and everyday people remain the same, domination and warfare will continue to occur.  Morality is the weapon of tyrants indeed! For as long as the impulse to conquer each other exists there will someone or some people that will use morals as an excuse to war; instead of an opportunity to build bridges.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

I ask in these changing times what is the future of Afrikan? Who is brave enough to kill the old notions of what it means to be an Afrikan..of a  human being?