Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Right To Know

“This is a right to know issue. This is very simple—we all have a right to know what is in our food.” David Byrnes, founder of Good Boy Organics

          Welcome to the future.  Very recently the first test tube hamburger was produced and eaten. Of course the meat was a genetically modified organism. Hey I’m all for the triumph of science over the limitations we once had, just let me know what I’m getting into. With all the NSA spying on the average citizens in addition to legitimate terrorists we have the potentially lethal situation of GMO (genetically modified organisms) on our shelf unlabeled.  And guess what? They have been for years!  Worst of all companies like Monsanto are putting the squeeze on farmers all over. 
Recent legal cases have highlighted a very slick way of crushing the completion (mind you these are simple farmers trying to make a decent living). By trade marking the resultant seed produced, a corporation like Monsanto can lay claim to another’s land if a seed happenss to land and take root. The logic is that the seed is intellectual property and therefore subject to ownership laws.  So, what is to stop them from delving in tactics like deliberately planting seeds on a farmers land and then claiming the crop as their own? HMMMMM…
          According to the Epoch times, the FDA has never conducted tests on GMO products, which is a bit strange since they ARE the FOOD AND DRUG administration. Logically it would seem that conducting tests on food comes in the job description.  It is a well know fact that food is fuel for the body.  In this country and many others there are actual laws on the books about what type of fuel is acceptable for use in automobiles, yet stringent testing on a product that greatly impact the most important machine on  the planet—the human body---is no where to be found. At the core of this is a seemingly insidious plot of secrecy surrounding something that is vital to all.

Shouldn't we the people have a right to know what is going into our bodies?  Why a 46$ million campaign against proposition 37 in California?
          Science is one of the foundations of a successful society. And so is honesty.  Hopefully the two can co-exist in the age of modification.


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