Tuesday, February 7, 2012


In light of a recent event... I gotta make this post: Tolerance of a way of life.

So I'm minding my business on the way to 9 to 5 and I am approached by a Black Israelite.  Nothing major, this is NYC after all. Now I'm an open mind, this Universe is way to big and way to small not to be ya know?
So we engage in conversation, but instead of embracing the way I live and trying to build some unity. I am was basically told I am going to a hell not of my choosing. For what? Peep this: NYC drama for not following the bible completely and returning to I natural way( studying ancestor and Orisha communication). Which is only a part of my studies.

Its 2012 and there is still this ugly vibration of disunity. As a teacher( that is what they claim to be) you are supposed to enlighten another s  heart, to awaken parts of the psyche and the world, not push them away with rhetoric and hate. Its amazing the amount disconnection to truth that some have.  But hey that's what makes the world so interesting.



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